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Issues with the Windows Operating System


Please make sure you've installed all required environments.

MSVCR110.dll Missing

"MSVCR110.dll Missing" means you are missing Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2012. Please download the required environments from here.

MSVCR120.dll Missing

"MSVCR120.dll Missing" means you are missing Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013. Please download the required environments from here.

MSVCR140.dll Missing

"MSVCR140.dll Missing" means you are missing Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019. Please download the required environments from here.

Other System-Level Errors

These errors might occur due to some corrupted or damaged operating system files.

Please try the following methods:

Method 1: Open cmd on your PC (By using Win + R and enter cmd) and enter following command:

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

Method 2: Open cmd on your PC (by using Win + R and enter cmd) and enter following command:

sfc /scannow

If these methods do not solve the problem, you may need to download and reinstall your system from Microsoft's official website.

Windows Explorer Repeatedly Restarting

If your Windows Explorer keep restart, please follow these steps to fix it:

Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to bring up your Windows Task Manager, right-click on Windows Explorer, and then click Restart.

In your Task Manager, click File > Run new task, input cmd, check Create this task with administrative privileges, and then click OK.


regsvr32 /u "{CHITUBOX-Installation-Path}\CHITUBOX_Thumbnail.dll"

Note that you need to replace {CHITUBOX-Installation-Path} with your CHITUBOX's installation path, for example:

regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\CHITUBOXPro V1.0.1\CHITUBOX_Thumbnail.dll"

Hit Enter to run the command.


Your OpenGL version should not be lower than 2.0.

Conflicts with Fusion 360 or OpenGL error "Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat"

Please open System Settings> About> Advanced System Settings and remove the environment variable QT_OPENGL.

This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized

Please open System Settings> About> Advanced System Settings and remove the two environment variables QT_OPENGL and QT_PLUGIN_PATH.

CHITUBOX Pro is Not Responding

It is very likely a software conflict issue. Please exit all running software one by one and look for any software that conflicts with CHITUBOX. This should resolve the issue in most cases. The following software might cause conflicts:

Plugin Issues

Longer Error -1

  1. Longer's control board process the resolution specially, we have confirmed the correct resolution to be x: 960, y: 1708. We have carefully checked and confirmed, so please don't change it.

  2. Error code -1 is an internal error of the plug-in due to changing of the resolution.

Download Longer plugin here.

File Issues

Thumbnail Abnormalities

Hold down Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager, click File > Run new task, enter cmd, check Create this task with administrative privileges, and then click OK.


regsvr32 /u "{CHITUBOX-Installation-Path}\CHITUBOX_Thumbnail.dll"

Note you need to replace {CHITUBOX-Installation-Path} with your CHITUBOX's installation path, for example:

regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\CHITUBOXPro V1.0.1\CHITUBOX_Thumbnail.dll"

Hit Enter to run it.


regsvr32 "{CHITUBOX-Installation-Path}\CHITUBOX_Thumbnail.dll"

Hit Enter to run it.

Disk Cleanup

Find your system disk (usually C drive), right-click to select properties, and click "Disk Cleanup".

Check "Thumbnails", then click "Clean up system files", and then click "OK".

Select "Delete Files".

Restart Explorer

Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc , right-click Windows Explorer, and then click Restart.

Rough Model Surface after Slicing

The displayed surface quality of a sliced model may appear rough. This is because each voxel of the model is rendered after slicing, similarly to zooming into each pixel after of an image in Photoshop.

As shown in the figure, the height of each cube is the layer height set in the slice setting. The length is the length of each pixel in the horizontal direction on the screen. The width is the width of each pixel in the vertical direction on the screen. Length, width, and height constitute the volume of the voxel. A voxel is the smallest unit that constitutes a print.


This voxel imaging is not visible upon the initial slice preview. You need to reload the .ctb file in CHITUBOX to view it.

Why are STL files scaled when imported into CHITUBOX?

STL files do not contain specific unit information but use numerical records. Therefore, different software may use different units to read STL files. For example, 1 meter in Blender might equate to 1 millimeter in CHITUBOX. You need to test the scale relationship between your 3D modeling software and CHITUBOX before exporting files.

Other Issues

You may encounter other issues caused by data corruption between versions in certain cases. You can try the following ways to resolve the issue:

Clear Cache

  1. Open the log path (Setting/Help > Open Log). πŸ“ƒClick here to learn how to open the log.

  2. Close CHITUBOX Pro (make sure to close the software first).

  3. Ensure that CHITUBOX Pro is closed, back up the πŸ“‚machine folder to another location, and then delete all files and folders except the πŸ“„userLogin.cfg file.

  4. Restart CHITUBOX Pro.

  5. After restarting CHITUBOX Pro, a new πŸ“‚machine folder will be generated. You can restore your machines by copying and pasting .cfg files back to the new πŸ“‚machine folder. Please do not copy all .cfg files back to the πŸ“‚machine folder at once as the issue you encountered might be caused by one of them.

USB Drive Issues

Printers may fail to read certain USB drives sometimes. Usually this is because your printer's control board was designed to work with USB 2.0 with a capacity of 16GB or less. USB 3.0 uses a larger current, which can cause electrical interference with the control board. Your USB drive should meet the following requirements:

How to Join Our Affiliate

  1. Log in your account on

  2. Edit your channel information and apply to be an affiliate.

  3. You can check more details on your affiliate center after being approved.

  4. You can enter the landing page link here to generate your customized link.

Clear and Rebuild Thumbnails

If you need to clear and rebuild thumbnails, you can follow the steps below on your Windows system to clear and rebuild the thumbnail cache.

Disk Cleanup

Hold down Win + E to open File Explorer, right-click your system disk (usually C drive) and select Properties option, and then click Disk Cleanup.

Then check the Thumbnails option, click Clean up system files, click the OK button and finally click the Delete Files option.

Use Command Prompt

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Search for "Command Prompt", right-click on the result, and select "Run as administrator."
  3. Type the following command and press Enter to stop File Explorer: taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
  4. Type the following command and press Enter to delete all thumbnail database files without confirmation: del /f /s /q /a %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_*.db
  5. Type the following command and press Enter to restart File Explorer, to restart File Explorer:start explorer.exe.

After completing these steps, you should be able to browse files and folders with thumbnail previews displaying correctly. If the thumbnails still do not appear after trying the above methods, please check the following settings:

  1. Open File Explorer and click on the View tab.
  2. Click the Options button to open Folder Options and click on the View tab.
  3. Uncheck the option for Always show icons, never thumbnails and finally click Apply and then OK button.