Main Menu
Click the Menu button on the top left corner to open the main menu.

New Project
Create a new project.
Open Project
Open an existing project file or load a project file and combine with the current project.
Project files have an file extension .chitubox . Please make sure not to mix them with 3D model files or slice files.
Save Project
Save all or selected models to a .chitubox project file.
Open project file, load in 3D model file or slice files.
Please note that .ctb files are the final slice file that can only be used for printing in most cases. Please do not perform 3D model manipulations on these files. Slice files only support some non-modeling operations such as exposure time, platform move speed and pixel editing(only in CHITUBOX Pro).
Export Model
Export all or selected models (including supports).
You can export models in any of the supported formats, allowing you to share models with other users or use them with other 3D modeling software.
Recently Opened
Open projects files and 3D model files that have been successfully opened in the software.
Open Personal Center and manage your authorization.
Visit the official CHITUBOX community, where you can interact with other users using our software, access latest news, new versions and updates.
Welcome to join the community and create endless possibility with CHITUBOX!
You can submit any ideas, suggestions and feedback about CHITUBOX to our development team.
Users can select the displayed language based on their needs.
Currently supported languages includes: German, English, French, Italian, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Finnish, Turkish, Spanish, Czech, Greek, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Korean.
Check for Updates
Check if the current software version needs updates and display update logs for different versions.
Update Log
Display software update log information.
Update Language
Reset software language to factory settings.
Factory Settings
Restore factory settings. This helps you to resolve any software issues or reset the program.
Export Configuration
Export current machine settings to a .cfgx file. This function helps to backup print configurations or share your configuration with other users.
Import Configuration
Choose a .cfg or .cfgx file and import to the current machine settings. This function helps to restore print settings or use print settings shared by other users.
Check software information, including current version number, copy right information and more. This window helps you to know version of the currently running software and ensure it is up to date.
Quality Improvement
Participate in the quality improvement plan. Check and see what data CHITUBOX is collecting and how the data is used.
Open Log Path
Visit the folder containing log files.
C:\Users\Support\AppData\Local\Temp\CHITUBOX Pro\log
Mac: Open Terminal from Finder. In the Terminal window, type the command "echo $TMPDIR" and press Enter. This will generate the path to the temporary directory where your logs are stored.

Open Finder, then go to the Macintosh HD disk. Press Shift + Command + G to open the "Go to Folder" dialog.

Paste the log path you copied from the Terminal into the dialog box, then press Enter. This will open the temporary directory containing your app's log files.

Open Cache Path
Access the cache folder.
C:\Users\{user-name}\AppData\Local\chitubox2 0\Cache
~/.local/share/chitubox2_0/Log/chitubox2 0/Cache
The cache of macOS can't be located for now as the its location is dynamic.
Open Config Path
Access the folder containing your printing configuration.
You can access the config folder of your printing configuration stored in CHITUBOX.
Open dmp Path
Access the folder containing the crash information.
You can access the dmp folder to get the crash information if the CHITUBOX Basic crashes.
- Windows:
No dmp folder is available on macOS as there will be an error pop-up on MacOS when app crashes. Ubuntu doesn't support creating dmp folder for now.
User Manual
Read CHITUBOX user manual.
Manage software plugins. You can import or export plugins to support printers that are not natively supported by CHITUBOX.
After downloading the plugin, You can go to the Main Menu > Help > Plugin to open the plugin window and import the plugin file.
Correct Translation
Correct translation errors.
Check and manage shortcuts.
General settings for CHITUBOX Pro.
There are three themes available: Light, Dark and Classic.
UI Display Scale
Change the size of displayed UI.
Model Projection
Turn on/off the display of model shadow projected onto the platform.
Slice File Thumbnail
Change the displayed view used for slice file thumbnails.
Default View
Default displayed view when starting up CHITUBOX.
Default Save Directory
Choose the default directory when saving files.
Default Open Directory
Choose the default directory when opening files.
Use same directory for saving and opening
When enabled, the saving directory will always be the same as the latest directory for opening files.
Model Naming
Automatically add suffixes to file names based on your choice, such as "#number", "hollowed", "repaired" and "mirrored".
Project File Rename
- Combine Model Names: generate project file name by appending model file names based on the order of models loaded into the file.
Slice File Naming
Set rules for naming slice files.
Duplicate Name Replacement
Set the naming rule for conflicting file names.
Character Replacement
Some operating systems do not allow certain characters in filenames. Built-in characters will be used to automatically replace those characters with other characters.
Custom Character Replacement
Define custom character replacement rules.
Max Undo
This allows you to change the maximum number of undo operations that can be performed.
Desktop Thumbnail Preview
Enable/disable Desktop Thumbnail Preview
Support Preview (for manual supports)
Enable/disable support preview during manual supports.
Support Auxiliary Line
Enable/disable support auxiliary line.
Graphic Tooltip
Enable/disable graphic tooltips.
Print Estimation Panel
Enable/disable print estimation panel at the bottom left corner.
Allow Raft Overlap in Collision Detection
When enabled, collision detection ignores support raft overlaps and will not generate warnings for them.
Support Hidden Angle
The angle between the view camera's axis and negative z axis of the print platform. Supports will be hidden when the angle is smaller than the set value.
Network Transmission Integrity Check
Enable/disable check for slice file integrity when sending files through network. When enabled, users will receive a notification when the file is incomplete.
Prompt for Model Generation when Loading Slice Files
Enable/disable prompt asking whether to reverse-generate model when loading in slice files.
Open example models come with the software.
Exit Software
Right-click Menu
General Options
New Project: create a new project file.
Display Mode: supports Solid, X-Ray, Triangle Mesh and Wire Frame modes.
Options for Right-click on Models
Save: save the current project file.
Delete Model: delete currently selected models.
Replace Model: the option allows you to replace a supported model with a slightly different model without re-supporting it.
Select Model: allows you to select a model when the pointer is on an unselected model. You can also hold down the Ctrl key and click to select multiple models.
Deselect Model: allows you to deselect a model when the pointer is on an selected model.
Reverse Select: deselect currently selected models and select all unselected models.
Paste: copy and paste current model.
Move: open the Move tool panel. Input value to accurately move selected models or drag models to disired locations.
Rotate: open the Rotate tool panel and enable free rotation of selected models.
Scale: open the Scale tool panel to adjust model size.
Mirror: open the Mirror tool panel to choose mirror options for selected models.
Options for Right-click on Black Spaces in the Canvas
Select All: select all models.
Deselect All: deselect all models.
Delete All: delete all models.
Front View: switch to front view to observe models.
Back View: switch to back view to observe models.
Left View: switch to left view to observe models.
Right View: switch to right view to observe models.
Top View: switch to top view to observe models.
Bottom View: switch to bottom view to observe models.