Risk Detection

Cavity Detection

The cavity detection button is located on the right side of the machine tabs.

Cavity Detection can help users identify any enclosed cavities within 3D models, such as closed pockets or holes. Users can add holes to models to avoid vacuum effects during printing.

Shown below is a hollowed model, with cavity detection turned off and on.

Cavity Detection Off
Cavity Detection On

Collision Detection

The collision detection button is located on the right side of the machine tabs.

Collision detection can help users highlight collisions among 3D models. Users can adjust models to avoid such collisions.

Collision Detection Off
Collision Detection On

Overhang Detection

Overhang Detection can be used in the support window. Click the "Support" tab to go to the support window. The overhang detection button is located on the function menu.

Three detection accuracy levels are provided: low, medium and high. Higher accuracy renders more precise results but would take longer to finish. Click on to refresh detection results.

Cycle through and zoom into the detected areas by clicking on the arrows inside the "Overhang Area" Panel. Click on the button to automatically add supports to detected overhang areas.

Island Detection

Island Detection is similar to Overhang Detection. but it looks for island by iterate through 2D layers instead of 3D shapes. Users will need to slice the model first by clicking on the Single Parameter Slice button in order to use Island Detection.

You will see the slice preview window after slicing is complete. The Island Detection and Delete All Islands buttons are located on the top of the preview window.

Check Islands

Island Detection looks for all islands in the model.

A list of information of detected islands will be displayed in the island detection panel. Island information includes the layer count and coordinates of the island.

Clicking on the coordinates of an island would highlight the detected island in the preview window.


You can switch between viewing the island in Local Mode or Overall View by clicking on the coordinates of the island in the island detection panel.

Delete Islands

The Detele All Islands button in the island detection panel will tell the program to ignore all detected islands. Usually you would not use the function upon island detection, but go back to add supports to detected islands.

You can delete island on certain layers by selecting the island in the island detection panel and click on the Delete button .

Click on to refresh detection results.