
CHITUBOX Basic is a free 3D printing software (slicer) that slices and converts 3D mesh files into printable files. It aims to make 3D printing easier and more efficient, by simplifying the entire 3D printing process, allowing users to quickly and easily convert 3D models into 3D printed parts. The software supports a variety of 3D printing machines and profiles and offers a rich set of options for optimizing 3d print models.

What's New ✨

Brand New UI

We are excited to announce the launch of CHITUBOX Basic 2 with a brand new user interface, aiming to provide an easier and more intuitive user experience. The improved navigation and layout should better help you locate the tools and functions you need. We also added a range of new features, including themes, improved object handling, and more. With our new UI, your 3D printing experience will be faster, more efficient, and more enjoyable.

Support for DirectX and Metal

By supporting DirectX and Metal, CHITUBOX Basic can now render more realistic and complex 3D models, with more detail and more realistic lighting, shadows, and Fresnel effect. These technologies also improve performance, allowing you to fully leverage the power of your graphics card. You can now experience the highest level of graphical performance on Windows and macOS platforms when working with CHITUBOX Basic.


We are excited to announce the launch of our new RMA (Resin Material Alliance) feature. This feature allows you to easily select the appropriate settings for different brands of resin materials. It also supports cloud storage. So you can access your settings from anywhere. Additionally, the library is constantly being updated to provide the latest configurations. With RMA, you can now quickly and easily set up your printer for optimal 3D printing results.

Basic Stardard Parts

This feature provides library of basic shapes and parts, so you don't have to spend time searching the internet.

Supported File Formats

Project File

File TypeFile Name ExtensionsDescription
CHITUBOX Project File 2023*.ctpContains more model info (position, rotation, etc., and larger file size)
CHITUBOX Project File*.chituboxLagacy project file format, contains basic model data and support data

Printable Sliced Files

File TypeFile Name Extensions
CHITUBOX slicer*.cbddlp
CHITUBOX slicer*.ctb
Halot One Series*.cxdlp
ZIP Compress*.zip
CHITUBOX General Format*.gf
Phrozen File*.phz
FlashDLPrint File*.svgx
Photon Series*.photons
Photon Series*.photon
Photon Series*.pw0
Photon Series*.pwmo
Photon Series*.pwms
Photon Series*.pwmx
Photon Series*.pwma
Photon Series*.pwmb
Photon Series*.pmsq
Photon Series*.pwx
Photon Series*.pws
Photon Series*.pm3
Photon Series*.pm3m
Photon Series*.pm3n
Photon Series*.pm3r
Photon Series*.pm5
Photon Series*.pm5s
Photon Series*.pmx2
Photon Series*.px6s
Photon Series*.dlp
Photon Series*.dl2p
longer3d file*.lgs

3D Mesh / Model Files

Supported OperationsFile Name Extensions
Import & Export*.stl
Import & Export*.obj

Configuration Files

File TypeFile Name ExtensionsDescription
Configuration Files*.cfgxContains more configurable parameters, such as custom shortcut information
Configuration Files*.cfgContains printer configuration information and support configuration information